Our Inspiration…
Nearly 40 years ago, Bob Geldof assembled a supergroup of artists in London to record a song called “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” at Sarm West Studios in Notting Hill, London. The group included Bono, Phill Collins, Boy George (Culture Club), members of Duran Duran, George Michael, and Sting among many others. The aim was to help fight the epidemic levels of severe famine in Ethiopia. It became the catalyst for other global musical charity events like “USA for Africa,” “Farm AID,” and “Live AID,” as well as other social justice causes like “Sun City.”

Our History…
Having survived a poor childhood myself, my blessings these days are bountiful and beyond my wildest imagination. In turn, I regularly look for the opportunity to support the “Fighting Hunger, Feeding Hope” efforts of the local food bank in Texas. Over the last 2 years, I’ve coordinated, with the help of other Trailblazers, an event called #MealsOverTexas, where Trailblazers in Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio donated time to serve their local foodbanks on the same weekend in October. Last year generating nearly 100,000 meals with over 50+ Trailblazers clocking in 180 hours.
Joseph Kubon
Salesforce MVP, 2022-24
Our Mission Now…
Having been inspired by the likes of Bruce Springsteen, Harry Chapin, and Bob Geldof, and taking into account this year is the 40th anniversary of Band Aid’s “Do They Know It’s Christmas?”, I believed we could accomplish something ambitious with finding Trailblazers around the USA (and maybe the world?) to find time to work in their local food banks, soup kitchens, or homeless shelters on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 – the 40th anniversary of the recording’s release to the world.
How You Can Help…
Please explore “Get Involved” for opportunities to get involved in an area near you.
Together, we can build a world without hunger. We are raising funds for the global organization, WhyHunger, co-founded in 1975 by Harry Chapin. WhyHunger fuels grassroots solutions around the globe that nourish people with healthy food, protect our land and resources and put justice at the center of our food system. Learn more and give here.
“Nutritious Food is a Human Right”